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Add Employees- Handling Cobra and other non-employees – Self-funded plans

Cobra, retirees and other non-employees (Cobra/N ) that are offered coverage are coded differently on the 1095-C form. HCM assigns the following unique classifications for these employees:

  1. If Cobra/N but was never an employee during the year
    • Assign them to the Cobra/N class and terminate them when this coverage ends
  2. If Cobra/N after being an employee during the year
    • Close the health event as an employee
    • Start a new health event under the Cobra class
    • Enter coverage begins date and cobra class in the new event
  3. If Cobra/N results from a full time employee experiencing a reduction of hours and then changing to part time
    • Close the health event as a full time employee
    • Start a new health event using a part-time eligible class
  4. If Cobra/N due to reduction of hours and the employee waives coverage, simply move them to a non-eligible class
initial health insurance