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Client success stories

reporting solution

ACA Filing can be pretty stressful on an HR Department. It often occurs at the busiest times of the year and can be challenging to complete. Hear from a few of our clients and how HCM File has made their experience easy and seamless.

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HCM was fantastic about it and the changes were made and posted without any further errors. We actually learned from that experience as employees were completing their forms with incorrect Social Security numbers.

McAllister Towing and Transportation Company, Inc.

Just comparing the capabilities of the product to that which we had used in the prior year, and the ease of use versus the cost, it was well worth it..


Everything worked so smoothly this year. I loved that the forms and filing were all incorporated in HCM this year, and not through another vendor. It all worked very well together, and was very user friendly!.

Dexter R-XI School District

Loraine was my point person during the process. She patiently walked me through all steps of creating the workbook, corrections, filing, and making corrections after filing.She was always willing to help me through my confusion.

The South Bend Clinic

They did amazing to work with and I so appreciated the support!.

Global Concepts Enterprise, Inc.

I have only great things to say about the process and people.

St James R-1 School District